2008 Hyundai Azera Where Is the Blower Motor Thermistor Start Located

Just a guy with an aptitude for many things physics, electrical, and electronic World Health Organization has been building and reparatio things for 40+ years.

The A/C blew hot air when in stop-and-go traffic.

The A/C blew hot air when in stop-and-go traffic.

We live in Arizona and needless to pronounce, during the summer it tends to get a little warm; information technology's a dry heating they say. Whatever ... it's hot!

My wife had been complaintive that the A/C in "her" car, a 2005 Hyundai Santa Atomic number 26, didn't look to be running likewise atomic number 3 it wont to. We didn't have a probability to twig in the shop before we left along our trip to Flagstaff for the Fourthly of July weekend, but we patterned it'd be approve until we got back. Wouldn't you have a go at it IT, though; shortly afterward we started come out of the closet, we agreed the A/C wasn't functional rattling well the least bit. It worked reasonably healed if we were traveling 40 mph or more, only when we slowed down or stopped, IT started blowing warm air.

Since the chances of a snarl-up on I-17 between Phoenix and Flagpole on holiday weekend seemed jolly high, we decided to date back internal, transfer everything from the Father Christmas Fe to our truck, and use that for the weekend. We'd worry about the A/C when we got back.

Cool forest near Flagstaff, a great place to not think about the A/C.

Cool forest near Flagstaff, a nifty place to non remember about the A/C.

The Mechanic Thought the A/C Was Practical Well

The weekend went well and we had a lot of entertaining, but it all over, as usual. So that meant I had to do something about the A/C.

I took it to a grass, and they checked out the A/C and told ME everything was working well except that information technology was half a pound low on cold. Since the scheme capacity is just 1.3 lbs, half a pound low is noteworthy. For $160 and whatever pocket change they evacuated the system to bring out all the air and water, and refilled it with refrigerant, oil, and a dye to help incu future leaks.

It worked better later that but it still wasn't 100%. At stop lights, it would still blow warm air. Once we got moving again, it would blow cool air again after a couple proceedings. Patently, everything was NOT on the job well.

I'm not a professional mechanic but I'm bad ready to hand. I do most of the maintenance and repair happening our cars, home, appliances, etc. Although I accept almost zero feel for with A/C, I decided to look at it myself. Five minutes of research happening the Internet revealed that the most common reason for A/C blowing affectionate air at groundless is a condenser fan that's not temporary.


I Looked Under the Hood

It took some looking to obtain the condenser and condenser fan. The condenser is settled in look of the radiator on the number one wood's side, the fan is located behind the radiator. The condenser looks similar to a small radiator.

I started the car, turned on the A/C and never saw the fan run. That made me admiration why the engine didn't overheat. More inquiry revealed that in that respect is also a buff settled in front of the radiator on the passenger side; this is the radiator fan. This one was running.

Base hit Warning

Some A/C fans are electric. On some cars these fans can start at whatever time, even when the car is turned sour, so keep your fingers and anything other you economic value aside from them. Disconnect the battery or the fan connector if you need to work directly on the fan.

Checking Voltages With a Multimeter

I did more internet research was through with to obtain out what could cause the fan not to head for the hills. All but of what I found was correlative to fuses under the dash, and fuses, fusible links, and relays nether the strong-arme.

The forward thing I decided to check was voltage at the fan. If there's voltage at the devotee that pretty much narrows IT down to a bad fan.

Read More from AxleAddict

I could't get the fan connector aside, soh I checked emf by sticking two pins in the wires of the fan harness. No emf. I chequered whol fuses, liquid links, and relay race and entirely proven good. I pulled the connexion off of the temperature sensing element, which should start the rooter if everything else is good. Atomic number 102 operate: the fan precisely sat at that place.

Straight off I was stumped. In that respect was non often else to look at except wiring and the thought of troubleshooting wiring didn't appeal to me at all.

The Problem Was a Melted Lover Connector

It bothered me that the fan connector wouldn't seed asunder, so I decided to beget that apart yet if I broke IT in the process. I patterned if it broke, I would splicing it. I pried one side with a screwdriver and heard a slight walkover. Did the same to the other sidelong and besides heard a snap. After that, IT slid isolated easily.

I checked voltage at the append side of the connector and read 12 volts. Like a sho I was getting somewhere! I had potential happening one side of the connector just not the other! Further inspection revealed that the wrong of the plug was thawed, possibly due to a bad connection that caused excessive resistance.

Put modern through resistance and it creates heat. Put enough current direct enough resistance and it creates too much heat. Many plastics don't like heat.


Keep your fingers away from the fans. Disconnect the battery operating room the fan connexion if you need to workplace directly on the winnow.

How I Did My Repair

1. I bought some weatherproof edge connectors from Chequer. If you do this repair yourself, you will also want to have got available a crimping instrument and around electrical tape or heat-quai.

2. I removed the condenser fan relay so that No power would be at the connector.

The relay that you will need to remove is under this cover.

The relay that you wish need to hit is subordinate this cover.

The condenser fan relay was removed temporarily to disconnect power to the fan.

The condenser fan relay was removed temporarily to disconnection power to the rooter.

3. I cut the leads murder of both sides of the connector. I spliced the now connector-less wires with the laughingstock connectors.

4. With the power disconnected, I checked the buff to make sure it turned freely. It did!

5. I let it idle for 10 to 15 minutes, and the capacitance fan ran continuously and the A/C blew cold the entire clock.

6. Content with my repair, I covered the spliced wire tight with electrical tape and zip-tied it to the angle bracket where the connector was located.

The completed repair

The completed repair

I Was Not the First to Come up a Melted Connector in a Hyundai A/C

At the time, nowhere on the Internet did I hear this connector mentioned as a possible job. The outside of it had looked smooth; it was just the inside that was liquified.

But, the Net is now saying in a number of places that connectors in air conditioners, including in other Hyundai models like the Sonata, melt and do this problem of no cooling when the car is non running fast.

Justin Peters, who made the TV below, had a similar problem on the same car: a unsuccessful connector leading to the optical condenser fan, on his 2005 Hyundai Santa Fe. He firm it by picking apart the interior of the connector. Helium explains that a loose connection can melt and fail entirely. The loose connection causes higher resistance, and causes more power to be dissipated across the connectedness, which ends up as heat and melts the wire.

In a Kia Spectra (and the TV author says the Hyundai Elantra is similar), a a similar connector in a different range (left the rider-side foot well) melted and caused the A/C's temperature sensor to break dow.

I learned a years ago that when troubleshooting, you should never say, "That can't comprise the trouble." Entertain all possibilities from the difficult to the extremely simple. Therein case it was a simple component that nobody told me was prone to fail ... but it did.

This article is accurate and faithful the best of the author's noesis. Self-satisfied is for informational or entertainment purposes solitary and does not substitute for individual counseling or occupational group advice in patronage, financial, legal, operating theater technical matters.

2008 Hyundai Azera Where Is the Blower Motor Thermistor Start Located

Source: https://axleaddict.com/auto-repair/Hyundai-Santa-Fe-Air-Conditioning-Troubleshooting

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