So Much More Than the Abcs: the Early Phases of Reading and Writing

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 · 43 ratings  · 10 reviews
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Kristin Nelson
SO MUCH great stuff in this book! I needed it for a class so I got it from the library. Now I'm wishing I had bought it instead so I could mark it up as I read and come back to it over and over. Lots of practical, developmentally appropriate ways to give the very young exposure to reading and writing. SO MUCH great stuff in this book! I needed it for a class so I got it from the library. Now I'm wishing I had bought it instead so I could mark it up as I read and come back to it over and over. Lots of practical, developmentally appropriate ways to give the very young exposure to reading and writing. ...more
Karla Winick-Ford
Validates bet practices
Supports letter link research HighScope hasn't presented; explains why multiple readings of texts are important and how to read closely with young children

Excellent resource

Nov 26, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I found this book to be incredibly useful! I have post it notes all over this book marking things I need and want to remember! Great resource!
Nov 06, 2018 rated it it was amazing
This is an incredible book if you work in the field of early childhood education and need evidence based information on supporting emerging literacy in children.
Jul 03, 2013 rated it liked it
An informative book how children develop reading and writing skills. Still very technical and clinical in the writing. As a teacher for so many years I found it redundant you are just reinventing the wheel and calling it a tire. One more education book read this summer. Now I'm packing up this book to swap it, happy reading. An informative book how children develop reading and writing skills. Still very technical and clinical in the writing. As a teacher for so many years I found it redundant you are just reinventing the wheel and calling it a tire. One more education book read this summer. Now I'm packing up this book to swap it, happy reading. ...more
Jun 16, 2014 rated it really liked it
While this may not have contained any very new and surprising information, it provided a good summary of best practices in building early literacy skills, with reference to the research behind them. A good resource.
Feb 04, 2014 rated it liked it
This book focused on the importance of adult interactions with children centering around print and language.
Apr 08, 2015 rated it really liked it
Overview of early lit best practices. Loved it most for the research included. Good reference book.
Lauren Merrell
Jennifer Miera
Didn't have time to finish. Lots of valuable information, but a bit more detailed than I had time for. Didn't have time to finish. Lots of valuable information, but a bit more detailed than I had time for. ...more

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So Much More Than the Abcs: the Early Phases of Reading and Writing


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