Back at It Again With Pink Hair

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I'yard older, wiser, more logical, less narcassistic and also feeling less inspired to write but all the same think its a good idea and notwithstanding beloved run on sentences.

I used to write considering it helped me close the loop — put a pretty bow on an idea I had and make information technology dainty and tidy. Just I've started to form an opinion on life: information technology's messy and there is no bow to tie.

Yet, I've figured out some stuff in the years that took me from 21 to 27. If y'all're younger and feel similar you'll get something out of it — awesome. I promise and then. But in all honesty, goose egg will change you like life happening to you. In instance you desire to take a peak into your likely future or tell me I'one thousand completely incorrect, let me share my major revelations of these 20 something years. Here goes nothing:

Living in the present is a affair

Information technology'southward important to have aspirations but that whole phrase nigh "it's the journey that matters" is so stupidly true. Once your reach the bar, it just jumps higher. There are 2 ways yous achieve this elevation: slowly, so much that it becomes your new norm and is no longer satiating or speedily and the rush fades but as fast.

I've achieved a adept clamper of what I imagined for myself in my twenty's and ya know what? It isn't similar my globe flipped upside down and became a million times better once I reached this 'ideal' for my life. My standards accept changed and this 'ideal state' feels normal, if not enough. I don't feel like some majorily accomplished bad donkey.

That raise? That astonishing trip? The high is definitely there merely it fades afterwards a while and you're left with evidently former life which doesn't have to be that plain or sometime.

I've learned that I don't want to be famous or make a billion dollars or exist the best of the best anymore. It's not considering I lack ambition. It's because I know that outward 'wins' won't requite me peace of mind. Fulfillment (nevertheless figuring that one out) and gratitude for the skillful in my life — as it is right now, not what it could be — is what gives me peace of mind.

It's very tiresome and unglamorous but the truth of it is, all that pendulum swaying — all the highs and lows of life — are not what make or break your happiness. Slow and steady wins the race. Happiness is a consistent mental check-in to say "I'k grateful for my life as information technology is today."

Keep a gratitude journal and force yourself to write it in even when you're tired and can't read what you just wrote. When you feel like seeing life in a positive light, comprehend it and ride that out. Yep, that moment with your friends, in your sweatpants lookin a hot mess and stuffing your face with cheetos is really as wonderful as it feels. That unseemingly magical moment of connection is the expert stuff. It's not about where you are in your environment, its near where you lot are in your heed and just being nowadays through the proficient, bad, boring, heady, the whatever helps yous feel gratitude for your life with all its glorious, day to day minutia.

Surprise, you're not immortal

Fast and furious — some machine moving picture and likewise the name of my hangovers these days. Hello headache and overall-shit-vibe after a boozy dark of a tremendous four drinks. I tin can already hear the 21 year olds laughing at my sad limits and the 50 twelvemonth olds laughing at me because I'm barely a quarter through life with a decently healthy body. It still kind of is and bless it then! I won't take it for granted. I won't take it for granted. I won't… nearly of the time. It's like I left the 3 mile radius of my college town and all of sudden a 2-day hangover became a affair, I realized I desperately demand 7 hrs of sleep to exist man and discovered that what I eat and how much I practise really impacts my well-being outside of simply looking fit.

This path to body enlightment was rocky. Similar anything in life, you don't actually pay attention to it until your forced to.

Also learned (now that I pay for my own health insurance) preventive care is generally cheaper than diagnostic intendance. Accept intendance of your bod! If you lot're in your early on 20'south and are weirdly responsible, here are some tips that will help you create a good foundation and so you don't experience yourself historic period like I have:

  • Go into a consistent sleep addiction, preferably with at to the lowest degree 7 hrs of sleep well-nigh of the time.
  • Warm up before you work out (and screw muscle strains).
  • Actually work out and do it several times a week — for your brain and to keep your hot bod.
  • Food. Put some veggies on your plate at every meal and don't become obsessed. Everything in moderation, including moderation.
  • Don't binge drinkable all the time. Information technology gets erstwhile fast (and funny story, yous will too). You'll also start to see a straight correlation to your immune arrangement function (or lack there of) with every episode.

Relationships are fluid

My dad once told me that he'due south loved my mom in phases, every seven years or then he felt like he was loving a different woman even though information technology was the same person and that he loved her a different way each time. He told me this when I was a teen and, frankly, I thought nothing of it other than it was a little weird. She is the same mom I've had my whole life — I don't know what you're talking near (haha naive little Amy). But now I understand and actually think, damn Dad, information technology took her 7 years to change? I experience like we all modify so much, and then subtly that being in a long-term relationship, you're really dating a new person little by piffling. Both people change, the relationship changes. Just because you lot aren't feeling a lovey dovey i month doesn't hateful you won't the next and vice versa.

Relatioships aren't solidified things: the delivery might exist but the relationship itself is ever-changing and you have to go with the menstruum that information technology brings if yous want to stick to it.

Same goes for friends. Friends come and go. Not one friend comes and another goes. More like i friend comes and then goes and then comes back over again and that is okay. We are ever-irresolute, our perspectives and values and lifestyles. Y'all might have someone in your life that you could never imagine losing but you lot could and still be okay because you'll have moved on. They might pop upward in your life again and it makes perfect sense to be close in one case more than or you accept lunch and realize you've both become such different people. A little deplorable, only not bad, just life.

Don't cling on to relationships for dear life. If they need to breath a fleck, let information technology happen. I don't quite believe in fate but a cord that still has me hanging: when it comes to relationships (platonic, romantic, familial) if they're meant to be, they'll come around once again. If not, be grateful for the connection yous had and let it be the foundation for each of you to have new happy relationships.

Pain brings new perspective

I don't demand to go into the nitty gritty on this mail service, but while my life may expect pretty damn bully, I've been through some shit. Perchance I'll go into details in another mail service but for at present, I'll just summarize and say I fought my own very quiet, individual battle for a while and can confidently say I was put through the wringer.

When you lot go through things, yous're miserable and it'south like y'all've put on gray-colored glasses. Information technology sucks the joy of things and life is just different in every dimension.

It sounds fucked up but I really hope this happens to you.

For me, it was awful only I came out of it a truly better person. I feel shameless in proverb that because I earned my stripes — slowly and painfully. My personal shit has made me a better person and information technology tin make you one besides. If y'all're going through your ain hell pigsty, please go along in mind that you can come up out of this with a new perspective:

  • You're a tough cookie. At present that you've been through this, you experience a lot more than invincible. A shitty day? Effort a shitty month or year or more than! You lot've got this.
  • Yous are more understanding. Anybody is fighting their own battles. You have things less personally when you realize the root of behaviors have a lot to practise with that person and their shit and not yous.
  • Simply you care less. You don't put upwards with or tolerate small-scale nusances considering they simply don't matter in the grand scheme of things. When you've been to hell and back you lot encounter what matters to you and y'all prioritize it. All the other stuff falls to the wayside equally it should.
  • You meet the importance of proficient. Good in people, good in the world. When someone is a fundamentally proficient person, all the lilliputian bothersome shit won't fifty-fifty phase you. You'll concord onto them because you lot'll see how of import that is in life. Good people are the life vest'south that volition buoy you to the surface when life tries to swallow you up in a sea of hopelessness.
  • And y'all'll drib the shallow acquaintances. Yes, they're hilarious when you're all drunk just do they phone call a cab when you're puking in the bar bath or ditch you to go dwelling with the hot guy? Farewell. Non worth it.

And then there you have information technology. My revelations of my so-far xx's. I am non as wise and old every bit I will be 5 years from now but I'm certainly glad I'm not 21 anymore. Hither is to more discoveries and perhaps a consummate unraveling of all my learnings then far.


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